the companion
Ceremonial Companionship consists of hour long monthly conversations. This durational process offers depth and breadth and is created for people who are interested in engaging in day to day life with attention, reverence and care.
These conversations can be as fluid or as structured as the individual desires. Regardless of the intentions an individual brings to this process or what is explored in the conversations, monthly calls inevitably offer a sense of accountability and consistency. Whatever you put your sacred attention on will grow and evolve.
After each session, I pull threads of language and wisdom from the conversation to create a poetic document. This document grows with each passing month, becoming an archive which honors process as its own place to reside and its own medicine.
Sometimes, but not always, these conversations culminate or intentionally are meant to move toward the creation of a ceremony. Ceremonies born of this process often reflect the deep exploration of conversations that have traversed time. Working together over a number of months helps clarify intentions and allows for a ceremony to be a reflection of the bordered landscape of the individual's life.
email me directly to set up a phone call to learn more about this process & pricing
“To me, Georgia is my Transition Counselor. I wanted to learn to celebrate an aspect of my life through ceremony, but it got complicated. I didn’t realize how many transitions were occurring at the same time as I pass from adulthood to elder. I knew intuitively something was happening but could not name it. Georgia has walked with me fearlessly and wisely. And with joyfulness. She asks wonderful questions. Her intuition is stunning. I have daughters that are close to Georgia’s age and who I adore and so I do not say this lightly. Her guidance is like that of a loving daughter to me. She is wise beyond her years. I feel very blessed that we have crossed paths. Very blessed.”
- Bill M
"This practice was deeply valuable to me. To set aside time with purpose helped shape my day-to-day and stretch my mindfulness/contemplative muscles in a powerful way. I will carry this forward and consider ritual/ceremony as a methodology to cope with difficult circumstances in future."
-Kathryn D
Georgia helped me broaden my relationship to ceremony, to give myself permission to play and explore my own ceremonial practices rather than follow any prescribed script. I focused on intention and process and being kind to myself as I practiced and learned more. She suggested, which immediately lit me up, that ceremony is already intrinsic to my creative process and that it is totally fine for me to do mine in solitude. I can share or not share them with others as I choose. How freeing and empowering that felt! Now I enter my art process through simple ceremonies - they help me shift into the imaginal realm as I learn to live a more earth-centered, embodied life in every way.
As my companion for this journey over the past year, Georgia has been a loving witness, sounding board, guide, and nurturer of my explorations in making seasonal altars, celebrating Solstices and Equinoxes, blessing and deepening my relationship to the earth, my inner wisdom and spirituality. I deeply appreciate the trust and connection we have, one that has burrowed deep into my psyche and will stay with me as a wise, nurturing voice of one who sees poetry in the thoughts I share and beauty in my aging.
-Jeanne B

photo by Katharina Poblotzki